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Despre proiect

“ALL IN! Incredible Practitioners to empower adults with disABILITIES through Education, Employment&Social Entrepreneurship” is a transnational project lead by the Federation for Accessibility of Romania (FAR) and implemented together with five institutions:

– National Confederation of Disabled People (NCDP) – Greece


– Association of Consultants and Experts in Social Economy (ACE-ES Romania) – Romania

– Conseil Francais des personnes Handicapees pour les Questions Europeenes (CFHE) – France

– European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities (EASPD) – Belgium.

The project started on September 1st 2018, has a duration of 24 months and is developed with the support of the European Commission, through the Erasmus+ Program, KA204 – Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices.

AIM of the project: To stimulate a multidisciplinary&collaborative framework which supports increasing the quality of adult education practitioners work and their initiatives&services in order to be adapted to needs of adults with disabilities in the light of UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities – UNCRPD. Among many measures, Convention calls for non‐discrimination&inclusion to promote access to training&employment.

Specific objectives:

O1 Equiping educators, trainers, HR managers, other experts with proper competences&at least 9 practical resources&tools for innovatively create adult education settings that support disabled adults in progressing towards higher qualifications and in their society&labor market inclusion in 5 countries/at european level.

O2 Empowering bridges between education&training world and work world based on a closer cooperation among adult education providers, enterprises, public authorities, other kind of stakeholders for high quality inclusion of disabled persons.

Target groups addressed:

– educators, trainers, training&HR managers, coordinators, vocational counselors, social workers, mentors, other experts to  acquire new abilities&attitudes; new creative and inclusive capabilities and practices of transforming adult education and support offers&services according to needs of people with disabilities to improve access, participation and learning outcomes of them.

– NGOs both of&for persons with disabilities; adult education&employment services providers to take a flexible view when developing strategies and models to support inclusion of people with disabilities through education, employment&social entrepreneurship.

– policy players, employment agencies, employers, public authorities to actively involve them in creating a strong foundation for relevant disabled adult education strategies in a wider context of market labor.

All In! is going to promote 5 complex IOs (intellectual outputs):

 IO1 ”ALL IN”– a virtual resources bank with 5 practical resources based on INTERDISCIPLINARITY to raise the quality of educators&other practitioners initiatives&services to be highly adapted to specific needs of adults with disabilities.

 IO2 ”READY for LABOUR MARKET” (RLM) - as a support manual for educators, mentors, vocational counselors.

 IO3 – a boardgame – READY Boardgamenamed ”READY4Impact” – as innovative pedagogical online game to be used by educators/mentors in their work with disabled adults for practical learning of starting a social enterprise.

 IO4 HR Disability Tool for HR managers – careers counselor, educators, work mentors, employers etc. as a virtual collection of examples, practices on people with disabilities using assistive technology for success&productivity in education&employment settings.

 IO5 – A Manifesto ”Help practitioners to succeed in achieving inclusive adult education” – KEY message: ”WE could DO MORE for adult education practitioners”) -as Policy Recommendations Paper.

Outcome of the whole project – it provides the resources for high quality individualized inclusive learning that could be adapted to people at risk – also to different groups with fewer opportunities other than people with disabilities!


Project website:

Data: 1 august, 2020
vizualizări: 21.346